

How to pronounce extrication in British English: UK [ekstrɪ'keʃən]word uk audio image

How to pronounce extrication in American English: US [ekstrɪ'keʃən] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition

Word Origin

extrication (n.)
1640s, noun of action from extricate (v.).


1. The innermost feelings start to struggle , search an extrication .
2. Leaves is my final extrication ?
3. Was inferior earlier obtains the extrication , I also may safely lying down , heartfelt smile one time at least .
4. Was connected including the above the imperial capital to say lonely , I had any qualifications to say the extrication !
5. The extrication of loneliness , and the warm thoraces

more: >How to Use "extrication" with Example Sentences