

How to pronounce fandango in British English: 英 [fænˈdæŋgəʊ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce fandango in American English: 美 [fænˈdæŋgoʊ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a provocative Spanish courtship dance in triple time; performed by a man and a woman playing castanets


fandango (n.)
mid-18c., lively Spanish dance, the word of unknown etymology [OED says "alleged to be of negro origin"], of uncertain origin. Perhaps related to fado (Watkins traces both to Latin fari "to speak"); fado is lovely but not lively, so perhaps the link, if any, is thematic. By extension in American English, "any noisy entertainment."


1. We skipped the light fandango
2. As the couples dance the fandango , the count opens the note , pricks his finger on the pin , and then drops it .
3. It will then connect to dining and restaurant reservation applications , like yelp and opentable , and movie reservation applications like fandango .
4. Clicking on the name of the theater will return complete listings for that location , while clicking on a movie time leads to a fandango site to purchase tickets if online sales are available .

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