

How to pronounce fictile in British English: UK ['fɪktaɪl]word uk audio image

How to pronounce fictile in American English: US ['fɪktəl] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    of or relating to the craft of pottery
    susceptible to being led or directed
    capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material)

Word Origin

fictile (adj.)
1620s, "molded or formed by art," from Latin fictilis "made of clay, earthen," from fictio "a fashioning" (see fiction). From 1670s as "capable of being molded." From 1854 as "pertaining to pottery." Related: Fictility.


1. How does paint business walk out of brand fictile error .
2. About the network fictitious community and brand fictile study in economy .

more: >How to Use "fictile" with Example Sentences