

How to pronounce fie in British English: UK [faɪ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce fie in American English: US [faɪ] word us audio image

Word Origin

fie (interj.)
late 13c., possibly from Old French fi, exclamation of disapproval (12c.), and reinforced by Old Norse fy or some other Scandinavian form; it's a general sound of disgust that seems to have developed independently in many languages. Fie-fie was a 19c. British jocular word for "improper," also, as a noun, "woman of tarnished reputation" [OED].


1. Fie ! We have everything we need right here !
2. The fie was founded in paris in 1913 .
3. If the application is approved by mofcom , sdhk , as a duly qualified fie flc , will then be able to execute all medical equipment financial leasing agreements freely and legally .
4. Iago . Fie , there is no such man ; it is impossible .
5. Souring his cheeks cries " fie , no more of love ! "

more: >How to Use "fie" with Example Sentences