

How to pronounce frittata in British English: 英 [frɪ'tɑ:tə]word uk audio image

How to pronounce frittata in American English: 美 [frit'tɑtə] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    Italian omelet with diced vegetables and meats; cooked until bottom is set then inverted into another pan to cook the top


frittata (n.)
1884, from Italian frittata "a fritter," from fritto "fried," past participle of friggere, from Latin frigere (see fry (v.)). Earlier in English as frittado (1630s).


1. Want some frittata ? It has apple in it .
2. And now debra 's frittata is good .
3. Uh , would anybody like some more frittata ?
4. A frittata can be made the night before , and reheated in the microwave .
5. Enjoy a satisfying scrambled egg , omelet or frittata ( an italian omelet with diced vegetables and meats ) in less than 15 minutes

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