

How to pronounce jackdaw in British English: 英 [ˈdʒækdɔ:]word uk audio image

How to pronounce jackdaw in American English: 美 [ˈdʒækˌdɔ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    common black-and-gray Eurasian bird noted for thievery


jackdaw (n.)
1540s, the common name of the daw (Corvus monedula), "which frequents church towers, old buildings, etc.; noted for its loquacity and thievish propensities" [OED]. See jack (n.) + daw. In modern times, parrots are almost the only birds that have the gift of speech, though connoisseurs are not ignorant that starlings and jackdaws have good abilities in that way, when properly educated. ["Chambers' Home Book and Pocket Miscellany," 1853]


1. What happened to the jackdaw at last .
2. Meanwhile , about 50 jackdaw birds were found dead wednesday on a street in stockholm , sweden .
3. Partridge days later generations fu jackdaw an unhappy day , liu tong , green is the new tender .
4. Jackdaw : I know I 'm ugly . So I must search through the woods and fields , collecting the feathers which had fallen from the wings of other companions , sticking them in all parts of my body , hoping thereby to make myself the most beautiful of all .
5. A jackdaw , who witnessed the capture of the lamb , was stirred with envy and determined to emulate the strength and flight of the eagle .

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