

How to pronounce jackfruit in British English: 英 [ˈdʒækfru:t]word uk audio image

How to pronounce jackfruit in American English: 美 [ˈdʒækˌfrut] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    East Indian tree cultivated for its immense edible fruit and seeds
    immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit of; its seeds are commonly roasted



1. When traveling in the southern region , I ate jackfruit for the first time .
2. Soil nutrients characteristics in high yielding plantation of jackfruit .
3. Why , for example , do some migrants from east asia develop an allergy to jackfruit when they move to northern europe ?
4. I don 't think jackfruit tastes good .
5. Jackfruit leaf flower anatomical structure ceps .

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