

How to pronounce jihad in British English: UK [dʒɪ'hɑ:d]word uk audio image

How to pronounce jihad in American English: US [dʒɪˈhɑd] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels
    a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal

Word Origin

jihad (n.)
1869, from Arabic, usually translated as "holy war," literally "struggle, contest, effort," from infinitive of jahada "he waged war, he applied himself to." Used in English since c. 1880 for any sort of doctrinal crusade.


1. Jihad has failed to banish non-muslim troops from islamic countries .
2. This is the real jihad .
3. So far the arab spring has cast violent jihad to the margins .
4. Most of africa 's large and growing number of muslims are hostile to jihad .
5. The organisation 's former number two vowed to continue its jihad against america and israel .

more: >How to Use "jihad" with Example Sentences