

How to pronounce jill in British English: 英 [dʒɪl]word uk audio image

How to pronounce jill in American English:word us audio image


fem. proper name, variant of Gill, familiar shortening of Jillian, Gillian, the common Middle English pronunciation of Juliana (see Gillian). As a familiar, almost generic, name for a girl, from mid-15c. (paired with Jack).


1. And that 's the voa special english education report , written by jill moss .
2. She gave the name gao jing-lan to my wife jill .
3. Jill , please come back . I am nothing without you .
4. His team will resent jill -- but also dave for not holding her accountable .
5. That 's why dr. jill biden and I started joining forces an effort to rally all americans to honor and support our veterans and military families .

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