

How to pronounce jonquil in British English: UK ['dʒɒŋkwɪl]word uk audio image

How to pronounce jonquil in American English: US ['dʒɒŋkwɪl] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    widely cultivated ornamental plant native to southern Europe but naturalized elsewhere having fragrant yellow or white clustered flowers
    often used colloquially for any yellow daffodil

Word Origin

jonquil (n.)
1660s, species of narcissus, from French jonquille (17c.), from Spanish junquillo, diminutive of junco "rush, reed," from Latin iuncus "rush;" so called in reference to its leaves. The type of canary bird (1865) is so called for its pale yellow color, which is like that of the flower.


1. Jonquil had left the room .
2. Dinner was over -- he and jonquil were alone and she came back into his arms .
3. At the supper hour jonquil 's father and mother appeared and were glad to see george .
4. Then the door opened and jonquil came into the room-and it was as though everything in it suddenly blurred before his eyes .
5. Jonquil - love me , affection returned , desire , sympathy , desire for affection returned .

more: >How to Use "jonquil" with Example Sentences