

How to pronounce juicy in British English: UK [ˈdʒuːsi]word uk audio image

How to pronounce juicy in American English: US [ˈdʒuːsi] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    full of juice
    having strong sexual appeal
    suggestive of sexual impropriety

Word Origin

juicy (adj.)
early 15c., from juice (n.) + -y (2). Figurative sense "weathly, full of some desired quality" is from 1620s; sense of "lively, suggestive, sensational" is from 1883. Related: Juiciness.


1. Mango is not the only one that sees a juicy market .
2. Watermelon is a juicy , pink fruit that 's 92 % water .
3. In this case , laws designed to protect vulnerable investors have merely ended up preventing a bunch of sophisticated ones from partaking in what might be a juicy opportunity .
4. If dad 's grilling , he probably wants to cook up a thick , juicy burger .
5. Such was the currency of the dead world , and a particularly juicy rat bought two bottles of miller lite .

more: >How to Use "juicy" with Example Sentences