

How to pronounce kilter in British English: UK [ˈkɪltə(r)]word uk audio image

How to pronounce kilter in American English: US [ˈkɪltɚ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    in working order

Word Origin

kilter (n.)
in out of kilter (1620s) variant of English dialectal kelter (c. 1600) "good condition, order," of unknown origin.


1. One such study suggests that missing sleep throws the body 's metabolism off kilter .
2. Even if speculators do sometimes push prices out of kilter the fundamentals soon regain the upper hand .
3. Harvests are dependent on the weather , and short-term changes in demand are out of kilter with the long-term investments needed to boost supplies of metals and oil .
4. He does not exactly deny the charge that his city is out of kilter with mainstream america .
5. Long periods of stability allow risks to accumulate until there is a major disaster ; volatility means that things do not get too far out of kilter .

more: >How to Use "kilter" with Example Sentences