

How to pronounce manikin in British English: 英 [ˈmænɪkɪn]word uk audio image

How to pronounce manikin in American English: 美 [ˈmænɪkɪn] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal
    a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
    a life-size dummy used to display clothes


manikin: see man
manikin (n.)
1560s, "jointed figure used by artists," from Dutch manneken, literally "little man," diminutive of Middle Dutch man (see man (n.)). Sense and spelling often blended with mannequin.


1. Far better to have your leaders pay lip service to " freedom " and " human rights " as they coercively mold you into a docile little manikin fit for their desired bureaucratic utopia .
2. The manikin 's flaps correspond to lecture topics such as the circulatory system , the brain and nervous system , the skeleton and muscles , venereal disease and the physiology of reproduction ( male and female ) , first aid , and the dangers of corseting ( visible in the far right ) .

更多: >How to Use "manikin" with Example Sentences