

How to pronounce nasal in British English: UK [ˈneɪzl]word uk audio image

How to pronounce nasal in American English: US [ˈnezəl] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a continuant consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed
    an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose
  • Adjective:
    of or in or relating to the nose
    sounding as if the nose were pinched

Word Origin

nasal (adj.)
1650s, "of the nose," from French nasal, from Latin nasus "nose, the nose, sense of smell," from PIE *nas- (see nose (n.)). Of speech sounds, attested from 1660s. As a noun, "nasal letter or sound," from 1660s. Related: Nasality; nasalization.


1. Use saline nasal spray as directed throughout the day .
2. What is the function of the nasal cavity ?
3. This may help reduce inflammation and relieve nasal congestion .
4. The old child nose nasal mucus stream is not over .
5. The nasal septum and concha are clear .

more: >How to Use "nasal" with Example Sentences