

How to pronounce nuke in British English: 英 [nju:k]word uk audio image

How to pronounce nuke in American English: 美 [nuk, njuk] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
  • Verb:
    strike at with firepower or bombs
    bomb with atomic weapons
    cook or heat in a microwave oven


nuke (n.)
short for nuclear weapon, 1959, U.S. military slang (see nuclear). The verb is attested from 1962; the slang sense of "to cook in a microwave oven" is from 1987. Related: Nuked; nuking.


1. Was it always called nuke ?
2. The end of the cold war created a problem : what to do with the ussr 's nuke stockpile .
3. But as far as russian and chinese radars are concerned , the htv-2 could very well be an icbm potentially armed with a nuke and headed for beijing or moscow .
4. The average length of sex is three to seven minutes , or roughly the amount of time it takes to nuke and eat a hot pocket .
5. And its conclusion is that by the end of next year , tehran will decide to make enough weapons-grade fuel to show the world that it knows how to build a nuke but it won 't go any further .

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