

How to pronounce overspread in British English: UK [ˌəʊvə'spred]word uk audio image

How to pronounce overspread in American English: US [ˌoʊvə'spred] word us audio image

  • Verb:
    spread across or over

Word Origin

overspread (v.)
c. 1200, "to spread throughout," from over- + spread (v.). Related: Overspread (past tense); overspreading. Old English had ofersprædan "to overlay, cover."


1. A garden path overspread with branches .
2. Kjv these are the three sons of noah : and of them was the whole earth overspread .
3. These three [ are ] sons of noah , and from these hath all the earth been overspread .
4. Indoor and neat sanitation , the sheet is overspread every guest is changed .
5. Stress is not an isolated or static matter , it can overspread .

more: >How to Use "overspread" with Example Sentences