

How to pronounce palpitation in British English: UK [ˌpælpɪ'teɪʃən]word uk audio image

How to pronounce palpitation in American English: US [ˌpælpɪˈteʃən] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a rapid and irregular heart beat
    a shaky motion

Word Origin

palpitation (n.)
early 15c., from Middle French palpitation, from Latin palpitationem (nominative palpitatio), noun of action from past participle stem of palpitare "to throb, to flutter, to tremble, to quiver," frequentative of palpare "touch gently, stroke; wheedle, coax" (see feel (v.)).


1. The diagnosis evaluation of paroxysmal palpitation by esophageal electrophysiology .
2. The palpitation is our only shouting .
3. The sense can not catch up the footsteps of palpitation .
4. Stand on the platform unavoidably having palpitation nowadays .
5. Hematopoietic system : fatigue dizziness palpitation bleeding .

more: >How to Use "palpitation" with Example Sentences