

How to pronounce payoff in British English: UK ['peɪɔ:f]word uk audio image

How to pronounce payoff in American English: US [ˈpeˌɔf, -ˌɑf] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the final payment of a debt
    payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment
    the income arising from land or other property
    a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing

Word Origin

payoff (n.)
also pay-off, 1905, "winnings from gambling," from pay (v.) + off. Meaning "graft, bribes" first attested 1930. Phrase to pay off "be profitable" is first recorded 1937.


1. Here 's another way to look at jpmorgan 's outsize fine : perhaps it was a payoff .
2. The payoff would be handsome for both countries .
3. The payoff for such budget cutting was a string of budget surpluses .
4. Furthermore , costly punishment did not increase the average payoff of the group .
5. That investment is substantial , but the payoff is greater .

more: >How to Use "payoff" with Example Sentences