

How to pronounce pecker in British English: UK [ˈpekə(r)]word uk audio image

How to pronounce pecker in American English: US [ˈpɛkɚ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    obscene terms for penis
    bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects
    horny projecting mouth of a bird

Word Origin

pecker (n.)
"one who pecks," 1690s, agent noun from peck (v.); slang sense of "penis" is from 1902.


1. Then got one as big as my pecker ?
2. I thought you call it your pecker .
3. If you don 't want your pecker to feel like a flame-thrower .
4. Bald guy with a little pecker and a fat wife .
5. You mean this pecker ?

more: >How to Use "pecker" with Example Sentences