

How to pronounce pend in British English: 英 [pend]word uk audio image

How to pronounce pend in American English: 美 [pend] word us audio image


pend (v.)
c. 1500, "to depend, to hang," from French pendre, from Late Latin pendere "to hang" (see pendant). In some cases short for depend.


1. Pend all your time waiting for that second chance .
2. All right all right , what moment thing , tsui pend want to try yinchuan barbecue go together .
3. Today , I finally left college station , where I had pend four and half years .
4. Life de pend on the sports , earth need environment prote tion .
5. Each mailbox has its own mailbox control structure . Different tasks and interrupts can post a mailbox , but only one task can pend on a certain mailbox .

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