

How to pronounce perpetuity in British English: UK [ˌpɜ:pəˈtju:əti]word uk audio image

How to pronounce perpetuity in American English: US [ˌpɜrpəˈtuəti] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the property of being perpetual (seemingly ceaseless)

Word Origin

perpetuity (n.)
late 14c., from Old French perpetuité "permanence, duration" (13c., Modern French perpétuité) and directly from Latin perpetuitatem (nominative perpetuitas) "uninterrupted duration, continuity, continuous succession," from perpetuus (see perpetual).



1. You are stuck with new employees in perpetuity whether they 're good or not .
2. Visitors are spared the remains of concubines , horse trainers and chefs sacrificed to serve in perpetuity , as they have not been included in this show .
3. No matter that the first rule of online behaviour is never post anything that you do not want to see splattered all over the internet in perpetuity .
4. That can be unhelpful , implying that " destruction " and " creation " carry equal weight and that mankind will be in for a rough time in perpetuity .
5. Both parties currently prefer de facto arrangements to ones that would divide the land in perpetuity .

more: >How to Use "perpetuity" with Example Sentences