

How to pronounce pho in British English:word uk audio image

How to pronounce pho in American English:word us audio image



1. Leapfrog chat and count cell pho ......
2. Mr. obama toured the iconic buddhist temple wat pho , and met with the revered but ailing thai king , bhumibol adulyadej .
3. We began with a bowl of pho , the vietnamese dish of noodles and soup , at a small restaurant of the same name , which vifian 's father had rated highly .
4. Between mouthfuls , he explained how different chefs had won a following for their version of pho through subtle adjustments of the spices .
5. Pho is typical of the area , with its tables close together , tanks of fish along the walls and smiling waitresses behind the bar .

更多: >如何使用 "pho" 造句