

How to pronounce pied in British English: UK [paɪd]word uk audio image

How to pronounce pied in American English: US [paɪd] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly

Word Origin

pied: see pie
pied (adj.)
late 14c., as if it were the past participle of a verb form of Middle English noun pie "magpie" (see pie (n.2)), in reference to the bird's black and white plumage. Earliest use is in reference to the pyed freres, an order of friars who wore black and white. Also in pied piper (1845, in Browning's poem based on the German legend; used allusively by 1939).


1. Extra ! Pied piper lures thousands to their death !
2. Miniature robots can act like pied pipers to lead cockroaches into shelters that they would not normally visit .
3. He 's like the pied piper .
4. I like this passe and pied feeling .
5. Its tu pied of you to say so .

more: >How to Use "pied" with Example Sentences