

How to pronounce prescient in British English: UK [ˈpresiənt]word uk audio image

How to pronounce prescient in American English: US ['presɪrnt] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    perceiving the significance of events before they occur

Word Origin

prescient (adj.)
1620s, from Middle French prescient (15c.) and directly from Latin praescientem (nominative praesciens), present participle of praescire (see prescience).


1. Other moves proved to be remarkably prescient .
2. Although motorola has been a drag on google 's earnings since then , the move seems prescient now .
3. That warning to avoid interference may have been prescient .
4. Schumpeter was pessimistic about the long-run prospects of capitalism , for prescient if unconventional reasons .
5. But his injunction now looks rather prescient .

more: >How to Use "prescient" with Example Sentences