

How to pronounce primrose in British English: UK [ˈprɪmrəʊz]word uk audio image

How to pronounce primrose in American English: US [ˈprɪmroʊz] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads

Word Origin

primrose (n.)
late 14c., prymrose, from Old French primerose, primerole (12c.) and directly from Medieval Latin prima rosa, literally "first rose," so called because it blooms early in spring (see prime (adj.)). As the name of a pale yellow color, by 1844. Parallel name primula (c. 1100) is from Old French primerole, from Medieval Latin primula "primrose," shortened from primula veris "firstling of spring," thus properly fem. of Latin primulus, diminutive of primus; but primerole was used in Old French and Middle English of other flowers (cowslips, field daisies). The primrose path is from "Hamlet" I, iii.


1. Primrose , stupefied by tiredness , began to wail that she was hungry .
2. Preventive Effect of Fatty Acid Sodium of Evening Primrose Oil on Experimental Atherosclerosis in Rabbits
3. All the sleeping things wake up ? primrose , baby iris , blue phlox .
4. Rose , Clary Sage , Lavender , Evening Primrose , Jojoba and so on .
5. Effects of Evening Primrose Oil and Linseed Oil on Fatty Acid Synthesis Conversion in Eggs

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