

How to pronounce qualms in British English: 英 [kwɑ:lms]word uk audio image

How to pronounce qualms in American English: 美 [kwɑlms] word us audio image


qualms (n.)
see qualm.


1. But don 't expect such qualms to stop the juggernaut .
2. In much of asia , national qualms about insecurity extend to individuals .
3. Competing businesses can have initial qualms about doing this , admits howard charles , director of city music services .
4. But they also admit that it will be impossible to get any lavish outlays through congress , thanks to intransigent republican opposition and qualms among centrist democrats .
5. For many years , senator helms 's adamant opposition to it made support an easy gesture for many senators who may have shared his qualms but not his temerity .

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