

How to pronounce retailer in British English: 英 [ˈri:teɪlə(r)]word uk audio image

How to pronounce retailer in American English: 美 [ˈritelɚ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a merchant who sells goods at retail


retailer (n.)
mid-15c., agent noun from retail (v.).


1. Ikea is the retailer for the 99 % .
2. Best buy founder and former ceo dick schulze now has an opportunity to buy the troubled electronics retailer .
3. The electronics retailer is still valhalla to nerds and technophiles , but its corporate house is in disorder .
4. " The street sees amazon as the world 's biggest ( online ) global retailer with almost limitless growth .
5. The online retailer has always been full of goobers , apparently .

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