

How to pronounce rhapsodic in British English: 英 [ræp'sɒdɪk]word uk audio image

How to pronounce rhapsodic in American English: 美 [ræpˈsɑdɪk] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    feeling great rapture or delight


rhapsodic (adj.)
1782, from Greek rhapsodikos "of or for a rhapsodist," from rhapsoidia (see rhapsody). Related: Rhapsodically (c. 1600).


1. Herzen 's friend vissarion belinsky , the literary critic , was an especially rhapsodic hegelian , unhampered by his lack of german .
2. The rejection of their pay claim was given a less than rhapsodic reception by the miners .
3. The advertising brochure sent to prospective customeers is written in a rhapsodic style .
4. The san francisco poet lew welch captured the dark side of the reversionary vision , in his rhapsodic manifesto final city / tap city .
5. What happened was that the macintosh despite rhapsodic reviews and a fanatic cult of adherents sold below apple 's expectations and in 1985 steve jobs was gone .

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