

How to pronounce rickettsia in British English: 英 [rɪ'ketsɪə]word uk audio image

How to pronounce rickettsia in American English: 美 [rɪ'ketsɪr] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    any of a group of parasitic bacteria that live in arthropods (as ticks and mites) and can cause disease if transmitted to human beings


rickettsia (n.)
parasitic organism, 1919, named 1916 in Modern Latin by H. da Rocha-Lima in honor of U.S. pathologist H.T. Ricketts (1871-1910), who first identified it in 1909 and died of typhus as a result of his contact with it, + abstract noun ending -ia. The bacteria causes typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, but is unrelated by pathology or etymology to rickets (q.v.), which is the result of vitamin D deficiency. The surname is a development from Rickard, variant of Richard, or else from the diminutive form Ricot.


1. Effects of different conditions of inactiaction of rickettsia prowazekii on purification .
2. Jinniu district austrian ministry of rickettsia operating electric bicycle .
3. Garlic phytoncide contains , in addition to cell killing things , for a variety of viruses , rickettsia role also killed .
4. Spotted fever group rickettsia sp. closely related to rickettsia japonica , thailand .
5. Studies on the biological and immunological properties of rickettsia tsutsugamushi isolated from skpecimens in the north-east of chian .

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