

How to pronounce slump in British English: UK [slʌmp]word uk audio image

How to pronounce slump in American English: US [slʌmp] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality
    a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
  • Verb:
    assume a drooping posture or carriage
    fall or sink heavily
    fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly
    go down in value

Word Origin

slump (v.)
1670s, "fall or sink into a muddy place," probably from a Scandinavian source such as Norwegian and Danish slumpe "fall upon," Swedish slumpa; perhaps ultimately of imitative origin. Related: Slumped; slumping. The word "slump," or "slumped," has too coarse a sound to be used by a lady. [Eliza Leslie, "Miss Leslie's Behaviour Book," Philadelphia, 1839] Economic sense from 1888.
slump (n.)
"act of slumping, slumping movement," 1850; "heavy decline in prices on the stock exchange," 1888, from slump (v.). Generalized by 1922 to "sharp decline in trade or business."


1. China has rebounded from the global slump with vigour .
2. My country will not be spared this slump .
3. A global slump is likely to change migration flows significantly .
4. Despite the global slump , asian growth continues .
5. Creditworthy governments will not accept the alternative of a big slump .

more: >How to Use "slump" with Example Sentences