

How to pronounce snore in British English: 英 [snɔ:(r)]word uk audio image

How to pronounce snore in American English: 美 [snɔr, snor] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the rattling noise produced when snoring
    the act of snoring or producing a snoring sound
  • Verb:
    breathe noisily during one's sleep


snore: [14] Like snort [14] (which originally meant ‘snore’), snore goes back ultimately to a prehistoric Germanic base *snor-, imitative of the sound it represents. From the same source came German schnarchen ‘snore’, which produced the German dialect noun schnorchel ‘snout’. The mainstream language adopted it as a term for a ‘breathing tube’, and English borrowed it as snorkel [20].=> snorkel, snort
snore (v.)
mid-15c., probably related to snort (v.) and both probably of imitative origin (compare Dutch snorken, Middle High German snarchen, German schnarchen, Swedish snarka; see snout). Related: Snored; snoring.
snore (n.)
mid-14c., "a snort;" c. 1600, "act of snoring," of imitative origin; see snore (v.).





1. People with stuffy or blocked noses often snore .
2. But doctors say most people with sleep apnea do snore .
3. People who have sleep apnea tend to snore and have upper airway collapse during sleep .
4. As a general rule , anyone with a collar size of 16.5 inches or more is likely to snore .
5. If you 're not feeling rested during the day and your bed partner says you snore , you should ask your doctor about sleep apnea .

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