

How to pronounce tush in British English: UK [tʌʃ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce tush in American English: US [tʌʃ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

Word Origin

tush (n.)
"backside, buttocks," 1962, an abbreviation of tochus (1914), from Yiddish tokhes, from Hebrew tahat "beneath."
tush (interj.)
mid-15c.; see tut. Related: Tushery.


1. Your tush is like the pistons in a ferrari .
2. She made a tush of his opinion .
3. Can 't you ever get off your lazy-bum tush long enough to help me move out of my parents house ?
4. I 'm sureyou 've had fat tush before .
5. Then getting dropped flat on my tush , I think I have a good reason .

more: >How to Use "tush" with Example Sentences