

How to pronounce underbelly in British English: UK [ˈʌndəbeli]word uk audio image

How to pronounce underbelly in American English: US [ˈʌndərbeli] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    lower side
    the soft belly or underside of an animal's body
    the quality of being weak or unprotected

Word Origin

underbelly (n.)
c. 1600, from under + belly (n.). In figurative sense of "most vulnerable part" it is recorded from Churchill's 1942 speech. Sometimes used erroneously or euphemistically in sense of "seamy or sordid part" of anything.


1. Writers expose the dark underbelly of the old social democratic regime .
2. It 's enterprise 2.0 for the criminal underbelly of the internet .
3. A little bit faint pain of underbelly .
4. Compose in reply frequent sex impulse time underbelly pain before classics .
5. Be fond of the bladder oppressing secretly under feeling underbelly chui .

more: >How to Use "underbelly" with Example Sentences