

How to pronounce underneath in British English: 英 [ˌʌndəˈniːθ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce underneath in American English: 美 [ˌʌndərˈniːθ] word us audio image

  • Adverb:
    on the lower or downward side
    lower down on the page
    beneath by way of support
    under or below an object or a surface


underneath (adv.)
Old English underneoðan, from under + neoðan "below" (see beneath).



1. The name was written again in red ink underneath .
2. But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism , she has her principles .
3. Joe was underneath , with arms spread out and held and with martin 's knee on his chest .
4. He peered underneath . There was a body .
5. He 's right there underneath you .

更多: >How to Use "underneath" with Example Sentences