

How to pronounce wildness in British English: 英 [waɪldnəs]word uk audio image

How to pronounce wildness in American English: 美 [waɪldnəs] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
    the property of being wild or turbulent
    a state of nature


wildness (n.)
early 14c., "unrestrained behavior," from wild (adj.) + -ness. Late 14c. as "frenzy;" mid-15c. as "undomesticated state."


1. They acquire wildness and some of the surprises that the wild entails .
2. But even her height was nothing compared with her beauty , her fierceness , and her wildness .
3. I think its freedom and wildness more suited to you than any experiment in a study or office would ever have been ; and without that training , you could have followed no other suitable occupation .
4. That epitome of rugged wildness , the grizzly bear , seems to be the only species other than humans to have invented the comb .
5. But the wildness of nature is the chief source for clarifying insights into vivisystems , and probably the paramount source of more insights to come .

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