如何使用 "Aleut" 造句
- 1. Unlike most languages it has two parents , a combination of largely aleut vocabulary and russian verb endings .
- 与大多数语言不同的是,这门语言有两个来源,它混合了大量的阿留申语词汇和俄语的动词结尾。
- 2. The language 's first speakers were children with one russian parent and one aleut parent .
- 首批讲该种语言的人是一位俄罗斯人和一位阿留申人的孩子。
- 3. The language they created and passed onresembles aleut , but with russian verb endings and russian words mixed into thevocabulary .
- 他们创造并传承的这种语言与阿留申语类似,但带有俄语的动词词尾,并有一些俄语单词混入词汇表。
- 4. Most languages derive from one parent language . Mednyj aleut has two parents .
- 绝大多数语言只源自一种父系语言,而mednyjaleut却有两个源头。
- 5. Mednyj aleut , also called copper island aleut , is a puzzle for linguists attempting to classify languages .
- mednyjaleut语,又称为铜岛阿留申语(copperislandaleut),让试图分类语言的语言学家左右为难。