如何使用 "Andromeda" 造句
- 1. Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy to our own milky way .
- 仙女座是距离我们银河系最近的大星系。
- 2. The picture shows astronomers where new stars have been forming in the galaxy andromeda .
- 天文学家可以从照片上找出仙女座星系正在形成的新恒星。
- 3. That should give enough time to figure out a plan for the inevitable andromeda galaxy collision in 4.5 billion years
- 这样就会有足够的时间想出计划来迎接不可避免的仙女座星系在45亿年后的撞击。
- 4. Millions of years later these two spirals will merge -- much like the milky way and andromeda will likely do billions of years from now .
- 几百万年以后,这两个漩涡将会合并很像数十亿年后可能会发生碰撞的银河系和仙女座星系。
- 5. Signs of young stars can also be seen in the centers of andromeda 's smaller companion galaxies , m32 and m110 .
- 幼恒星的痕迹在仙女座旁边较小的两个同伴m32和m110中心也能看到。