如何使用 "Cynthia" 造句
- 1. Cynthia 's project concerned maze learning in ants
- 辛西娅的项目关于蚂蚁的迷宫学习
- 2. The story of adam and cynthia morey 's life together begins with a bravura description of their wedding in pittsburgh .
- 亚当和辛西娅莫雷的人生故事,始于两人在匹兹堡举行婚礼的宏大描写。
- 3. Cynthia wondered if she had done something wrong or left some part of her job incomplete from the day before .
- 辛西娅揣度着,是否她做错了什么,或者是她前一天的工作没有做完。
- 4. Older son julian and john 's first wife cynthia are dedicating the new imagine peace & harmony monument in liverpool .
- 大儿子朱利安和列侬的第一任妻子辛西娅现致力于利物浦新的imagine和平和和谐纪念碑。
- 5. One was from cynthia wanting to know if her dna test results were in .
- 一封来自辛西娅,她想知道她的dna检测结果是否出来了。