如何使用 "Eisenhower" 造句
- 1. Marshall stamped on the idea and eisenhower ran for president .
- 马歇尔打消了他的这个念头,之后艾森豪威尔参选总统。
- 2. Eisenhower won his election in america .
- 在美国,艾森豪威尔赢得了选举。
- 3. Eisenhower also left two mighty endowments for the north american economy .
- 艾森豪威尔也为美国经济留下了两笔巨大的财富。
- 4. In fact , kennedy played golf much better than eisenhower did .
- 而且实际上肯尼迪的高尔夫球打得可比艾森豪威尔好多了。
- 5. Republicans gerald ford and dwight eisenhower had three democrats serving in theirs .
- 共和党人福特和艾森豪威尔的内阁中有三位民主党人为其服务。