如何使用 "Newton" 造句
- 1. Newton and leibniz invented calculus about the same time .
- 牛顿和莱布尼兹几乎同时发明了微积分方法。
- 2. Was newton right and einstein wrong ?
- 牛顿是对的而爱因斯坦错了?
- 3. Issac newton was arguably the most influential intellectual ever .
- 牛顿可说是有史以来最有影响力的知识分子。
- 4. Newton beamed with pride . He was getting better .
- 牛顿面带自豪,他也变得越来越顺利了。
- 5. It 's like trying to envision how did people do mechanics before newton .
- 这就好比是想象人们在牛顿之前是如何处理力学问题的。