How to Use "Paypal" with Example Sentences
- 1. And the best , starting with paypal
- 最明智的收购,从PayPal开始
- 2. But the real star was and still is paypal , the online payment service .
- 但eBay复兴的最大功臣,无论过去还是现在,都是它的移动支付服务贝宝(PayPal)。
- 3. Of course , we also have musk 's co-founder of paypal , peter thiel .
- 当然,跟马一龙一起创建贝宝公司(PayPal)的皮特•泰尔也是一个不容忽视的人物。
- 4. Paypal has faced down competitors like google wallet before and maintained its edge .
- 此前贝宝(PayPal)已经迫使“谷歌钱包”(GoogleWallet)这样的对手拱手认输,还保持了自己的竞争优势。
- 5. These include yahoo , google , paypal , and linkedin .
- 20年来,莫里茨领导着红杉(Sequoia)进行了一些最成功的投资,其中包括雅虎(Yahoo)、谷歌(Google)、贝宝(PayPal)和商务社交网站LinkedIn。