如何使用 "Quelch" 造句
- 1. Mr. quelch : chinese companies should not go abroad as chinese companies .
- 奎尔奇:中国企业不应以中国企业的身份走出去。
- 2. Mr. quelch : the biggest surprise is that there are no weekends in china .
- 奎尔奇:最没想到的是中国没有周末。
- 3. John quelch , dean of the china europe international business school in shanghai , says the go-to-market strategy of companies must be locally tailored .
- 奎尔奇(johnquelch)表示,企业的市场推广战略必须更加因地制宜。
- 4. Prof john quelch of harvard business school is also a visiting professor at ceibs in shanghai .
- 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)教授约翰奎尔奇(johnquelch)也是中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)的访问教授。
- 5. Mr. quelch : the shanghai campus will double in size by the end of 2013 .
- 奎尔奇:到2013年底,上海校区的面积要扩大一倍。