如何使用 "advertent" 造句
- 1. Lou tip trillion brilliant advertent zhang , trillion but was furious .
- 娄提示兆辉煌留意张,兆却怒不可遏。
- 2. Spring coming winter go , yan had advertent , time hitting water , much transformed .
- 春来冬去,燕过留意,时光击水,物是人非。
- 3. In the anti - arrhythmia medicine usage advertent problem .
- 抗心律失常药使用中注意的问题。
- 4. But have a bit must advertent , if working goal cannot be reached smoothly inside deadline , answer to report to boss as early as possible , seek remedial countermeasure .
- 但是有一点必须留意,假如在限期内不能顺利达成工作目标,应尽早向上司报告,谋求补救的对策。
- 5. Weekend yexiaowei go climbing with classmate , fine organization called yexiaowei to participate in , the party yexiaowei holiday not at home in children always go yuedama classmate party , not pleasure , call yexiaowei advertent influence .
- 周末带叶晓薇去爬山,没事组织同窗聚会叫叶晓薇去参与,叶晓薇放假不在家带孩子老是去参与同窗聚会,岳大妈不乐意了,叫叶晓薇留意影响。