如何使用 "agnosia" 造句
- 1. Visual agnosia and hyper-sexuality are the key symptoms .
- 主要症状为视觉失认和性欲高涨。
- 2. Since professor ramachandran speaks of schizophrenia in the same breath as denial of illness , or agnosia , it is not clear , and it would be interesting to know , whether the person with the head injury has been aware or unaware of the head injury .
- 既然瑞玛柴德安教授将精神分裂症说成是否认疾病,或者认识不能,一个有着脑外伤的病人是否已经知道头部受伤这一点就是不清楚的和有意思去了解的。
- 3. Can lead poisoning cause visual agnosia ?
- 铅中毒会引起视觉失认吗?