如何使用 "alfalfa" 造句
- 1. The air smelled of alfalfa and manure .
- 空气中散发着紫花苜蓿和肥料的气味。
- 2. One such case concerns gm alfalfa .
- 其中一桩官司就涉及到转基因苜蓿。
- 3. Mr williams fears that the rule on alfalfa augurs further limits on gm crops .
- 威廉姆斯担心对苜蓿种植的管制预示着对转基因作物的进一步限制。
- 4. Demand from chinese cows has helped u.s. alfalfa prices double in the past year .
- 在中国奶牛喂养需求的刺激下,美国苜蓿价格去年翻了一倍。
- 5. Because water is usually free , thirsty crops like alfalfa are grown in arid california .
- 因为水普遍免费,干旱类作物,比如苜蓿就生长在干旱的加州。