如何使用 "amenities" 造句
- 1. We also offer customer-friendly amenities like free wi-fi and mccafes .
- 我们还会为消费者提供诸多便利,比如免费无线网络(Wi-Fi)和麦咖啡(McCafes)。
- 2. Not having these basic amenities means lots of otherwise preventable infections .
- 没有这些基础的设施,就意味着很多本可预防的感染发生。
- 3. Just west of downtown , clarksville is hugely popular for its neighbourhood feel , parks and area amenities .
- 在市中心西面的克拉克斯维尔因其有居家感,有公园和各种社区便利设施而广受追捧。
- 4. Reports have suggested that giorgio armani himself will oversee all aspects of content , design and style , including interiors and amenities .
- 有报道暗示,乔治阿玛尼将亲自监督工程内容、设计和风格的各个方面,包括内部装潢和康乐设施。
- 5. He and his wife , the site 's master planner , worked with engineers and designers to create a resort that incorporated green building practices but didn 't sacrifice style or amenities .
- 他和他作为项目主要策划者的妻子与其他工程师设计师们共同努力,创造出一个既符合绿色建筑要求,也不牺牲建筑风格和舒适度的度假酒店。