How to Use "amputation" with Example Sentences
- 1. Their recommendation for inducing disgust was a short film showing an amputation .
- 他们推荐一部展示截肢的小电影用于诱导恶心。
- 2. Left untreated , type two diabetes can raise the risk of heart attacks , blindness and amputation .
- 二型糖尿病在不进行治疗的情况下,会增加患心脏病、失明以及截肢的几率。
- 3. The doctor say I must to go to singapore for cut off my arm , for amputation .
- 医生说我必须去新加坡做截肢手术,切除手臂。
- 4. This is not good because it increases the risk of heart disease , stroke , blindness , kidney failure and amputation .
- 这很不好,因为它会增加患心脏病、中风、失明、肾衰和截肢的风险。
- 5. To test this idea , she asked a number of patients undergoing amputation to take a drug called memantine .
- 为了检验这个想法,她让进行截肢的病人服用一种叫美金刚胺(memantine)的药物。