如何使用 "amygdala" 造句
- 1. Q. what does an enlarged amygdala tell you ?
- 你们从肿大的杏仁核中看出了什么?
- 2. What other features might correlate with the abnormal amygdala growth ?
- 可能与杏仁核病态生长有关的其他特征有什么?
- 3. Emotions are most closely linked with structures called the amygdala , caudate nucleus and putamen .
- 与情绪最紧密相关的结构则是杏仁核,尾状核与壳核。
- 4. The larger the city in which a student lived , the more active their amygdala .
- 学生居住的城市越大,他们的杏仁核就表现得更加活跃。
- 5. Communication between the cingulate cortex and amygdala also seemed to be less efficient in city dwellers .
- 在城市居民方面,其扣带皮层和杏仁核之间的信息交流也似乎缺乏效率。