How to Use "anchovy" with Example Sentences
- 1. The anchovy fisheries will stay closed , by eu order .
- 根据欧盟的规定,凤尾鱼渔场将依然关闭。
- 2. Newsfeed hopes none of our readers are anchovy pizza or caesar salad addicts , as fresh little fish may become hard to find .
- 新闻推送栏目希望我们没有哪位是凤尾鱼披萨或者凯撒沙拉的狂热粉丝,因为现在可能很难再找到新鲜的小凤尾鱼了。
- 3. As rain dribbled through a makeshift red tent at their pop-up atop a peckham car park , they served up innovative food : cured pork fat and cobnuts ; chicken skin and mead , and even lamb-heart flat breads with a yoghurt and anchovy dressing .
- 在贝克汉姆停车场的弹出式餐厅里,当雨滴到一个临时的红色帐篷上,他们准备了一些新的食物:熏肥猪肉和欧洲榛,鸡皮和蜂蜜酒,羊羔心面包夹着酸奶和凤尾鱼。