如何使用 "arpeggio" 造句
- 1. Obviously the same rules apply to arpeggio playing , where the motions are slightly magnified .
- 很明显这一切规则也适合琶音的弹奏,但那些动作是要比弹音阶的动作稍微放大了的。
- 2. Tags arpeggio etude dionisio aguado classical guitar music solo joeno1 joe download stephan schlemper video .
- 视频下载乐谱练习曲分解和弦琶音古典吉他独奏音乐阿瓜多。
- 3. Several musical compositions make clever use of different gamut , arpeggio ( their varieties included ) as a means of expressing music .
- 许多乐曲都是巧妙地运用了各种音阶、琶音和弦和分解和弦(包括它们的种种变体)作为表现音乐的手段。
- 4. Throughout this article I will treat this effect as any other arpeggio pattern . It should not be considered as else .
- 通过这篇文章,我准备像介绍琶音一样来介绍颤音。因为他不应该被认作是其他的技巧。